Despite rising raw material prices and transport costs, and a generally difficult overall economic situation, we are keeping our prices stable for you. We continue to offer you our products in high quality and at the usual fair pricing. As always, you can inform yourself about our offer including prices on our website.
By the way, a visit to the website is always worthwhile - besides a lot of background information you will be kept up to date about our growing lighting series.
Be curious about the upcoming novelties, like our segmented ringlights. Divided into 4 segments, the segmented ringlight can be used to illuminate objects from different directions and to realize shape-from-shading applications in an uncomplicated way. You are supported by our 4-chanel controller CTR-52 which works both voltage and current controlled. For difficult color inspection, our RGBW ringlight will go into series production in the second quarter. Precisely controlled by the CTR-52, finely tuned color nuances can be achieved, making your inspection task easier.
Our portfolio constantly offers a wider range of application possibilities, whether in brightfield or darkfield, at small or large object distances, in many wavelength ranges and in the usual good quality and with attractive prices. And it will stay that way!
Contact us now and let us advise you on your project!